What temperature should my Infrared Sauna be?
Sauna’s have a stigma attached that the hotter the better & if you are not profusely sweating, then it must not be working.
That is not generally the case with Infrared therapy. The penetrative power of infrared light maximally increases your body’s core temperature without creating extreme discomfort.
There is a combination of optimal infrared light exposure combined with decently high but comfortable air temperatures.
Sauna temp: 44-55°C
Infrared saunas offer better detoxification at lower temperatures.
When you sweat in an infrared sauna, the sweat contains about 20% toxins, compared to only 3% of toxins when you sweat in a traditional sauna. This is because infrared saunas heat the body from the inside out, which allows toxins to be released more easily.
The sweat from an infrared sauna is also thicker and stickier, which is another sign that it is carrying toxins.
The lower temperature of an infrared sauna also helps to prevent electrolyte loss. Electrolytes are minerals that are important for hydration and muscle function. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes, which can lead to dehydration and muscle cramps. The lower temperature of an infrared sauna helps to reduce electrolyte loss, so you can sweat more without getting dehydrated.
Sauna temp: 55-65°
Higher temperatures in an infrared sauna increase the rate at which the body's core temperature rises.
Infrared light penetrates deeply into the body, past the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), to activate the body's cellular response. The radiant heat burrows deep into the soft tissue, raising the body's internal temperature.
This increased heat production improves blood circulation by delivering oxygen and nutrients more quickly to vital organs, joints, and muscles.
This can help to reduce inflammation and pain, and promote quicker healing.